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Light Shot 5.11 Carbon Patch by Richard Evans

Lieferzeit 4-5 Werktage
595,00 €
Inkl. 19% MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten
Das Light Shot by Richard Evans ist die neue Kleinewellenmaschine...

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Lieferbarkeit:Nicht lieferbar
Das Light Shot ist das neuste Board im Hause Light aus der Hand von Richard Evans. Es ist die beste Kleinewellenmaschine die Richard jemals geshaped hat. This is the best small wave surfboard we ever made ! This is the latest edition of our legendary shaper Richard Evans. Effortless paddling and glide combined with lip blasting vertical capabilities. This is the small wave maniac. Single concave to v with a soft medium rail, hard edges in the tail for easy rail to rail surfing and high line grip. The wide nose and tail and general low rocker will carry you over the flatest sections, the concave adds rail rocker for effortless top to bottom carving. Ride this board 5-7 inch shorter than your average shortboard. Surfing Level Intermediate to Pro: 4-10 Recommended wave Size 0,3 – 1,5m Hier alle Features in Überblick: - Classic Pro Performance* Construction - Center Stringer - Australien PU Blank - Top 2x4UZ Glas - Bottom 1x4 +1+6UZ Fin Carbon Tail patches - Satin Finish - FCS 2 Fin Set Up Den Shot gibt es in folgenden Größen: 5´5"x 21" x 2.5" 33 L Volumen 5´7"x 21.5" x 2.63" 37 L Volumen 5´9"x 21.75" x 2.69" 39,8 L Volumen 5´11"x 22" x 2.75" 42,34 L Volumen 6´0" x 22.5“ x 2.75" 43,73 L Volumen
Detaillierte Produktinformation
Weitere Informationen
Brand Light Surfboards
Lieferzeit 4-5 Werktage
Länge 5.11
Volumen (Liter) 42.3
Board-Material Polyester
Board-Breite 22
Board-Dicke 2 3/4
Board-Finnensystem FCS2 / 5 Fin Option
GPSR-Hinweis Hersteller: Light Board Corporation, GTA DISTRIBUTION GmbH & Co. KG,FRANZIUSSTRASSE 6A, 60314 FRANKFURT,GERMANY service@gta-distribution.de Verantwortlicher: GTA DISTRIBUTION GmbH & Co. KG,FRANZIUSSTRASSE 6A, 60314 FRANKFURT,GERMANY service@gta-distribut


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